Gett iOS Meetup Videos

RxSwift & MVVM, Custom Animations, and Gett Delivery with Firebase

Shai Mishali
Gett Tech


On January 30th we had our annual iOS meetup at Gett HQ, and it was a blast! Thank all of you for showing up. 💗📱

If you didn’t know about this meetup, be sure to sign up to our Meetup Page so you can enjoy any future meetups we organize 🤓

As promised, the recorded talks were uploaded to our YouTube channel, and are also listed here, for your convenience. Enjoy!

RxSwift & MVVM: Your First Steps

by Shai Mishali
(Hebrew, with English subtitles)

Come and learn how to get started with RxSwift and MVVM. What is really an architecture, and what MVVM aims to solve over the standard usage of MVC? Why is RxSwift such a wonderful companion for employing MVVM?

This presentation also includes actual live coding for building a basic MVVM-based login screen.


Custom UI Animations — it’s not as hard as it looks!

by Daniel Huri
(Hebrew only)

This presentation demonstrates various approaches toward animations in iOS, and shows you how a simple and mundane user interface can be easily turned into a rich interactive experience using classic UIKit APIs.


Gett Delivery — Breaking the State Machine

by Oren Kosto
(Hebrew only)

Learn How Gett Delivery leveraged Firebase and RxSwift to break its state machine, creating an architecture suited for the delivery world.




Shai Mishali
Gett Tech

iOS Tech Lead @ Gett 🚕 RxSwift & RxSwiftCommunity core contributor. International speaker and worldwide hackathon winner. Fiddling with tech for a living. 🤓